We have developed the Niki start to give your child a feeling of security right from the outset. The rear-facing i-Size child seat accompanies your little one from birth up to 105 cm, comes up trumps with practical features such as 360-degree rotatability and offers a sense of well-being thanks to adjustable seating and resting positions (forward-facing from 76 cm and 15 months). The soft padded inlay can also be easily removed as soon as it becomes too tight in the child seat (from a height of 61 cm). The practical RotationControl feature provides additional safety by preventing the forward-facing seat position from being used too early.
Another very special feature is the recycled outer fabric which is moisture-wicking and anti-bacterial. Installation is simple and safe with Isofix used in combination with a support leg.

We have developed the Niki start to give your child a feeling of security right from the outset. The rear-facing i-Size child seat accompanies your little one from birth up to 105 cm, comes up trumps with practical features such as 360-degree rotatability and offers a sense of well-being thanks to adjustable seating and resting positions (forward-facing from 76 cm and 15 months). The soft padded inlay can also be easily removed as soon as it becomes too tight in the child seat (from a height of 61 cm). The practical RotationControl feature provides additional safety by preventing the forward-facing seat position from being used too early.
Another very special feature is the recycled outer fabric which is moisture-wicking and anti-bacterial. Installation is simple and safe with Isofix used in combination with a support leg.

Safety first,
comfort too

Our Niki start provides support in everyday life with practical features

Rear-facing from
40 to 105 cm

Rear-facing and forward, both effortless. Your child can be transported rearward-facing from 40 to 105 cm for optimum protection. If your child prefers to drive facing the direction of travel, you can simply rotate the child seat. Forward travel is possible from a height of 76 cm. The practical RotationControl feature provides additional safety by preventing the forward-facing seat position from being used too early. This means there are four different sitting and reclining positions to choose from.

360° rotation

The 360-degree rotatability makes it easy to get your child in and out of the car during everyday rushes. This saves time and energy. The swivel function makes it easy to place the child in the seat and then move it into the correct driving position.

Magnetic holder

Opposites attract. Our seats take advantage of this clever principle. The magnetic holder allows the belts to be attached to the side when boarding so they are out of the way.


When your child is safely strapped into the child seat, you don’t have to worry about anything else. Let’s take a look at wellbeing now: there’s belt and lock padding as well as an extra baby insert for the head and back to guarantee optimum sitting and reclining comfort.

Rear-facing from
40 to 105 cm

Rear-facing and forward, both effortless. Your child can be transported rearward-facing from 40 to 105 cm for optimum protection. If your child prefers to drive facing the direction of travel, you can simply rotate the child seat. Forward travel is possible from a height of 76 cm. The practical RotationControl feature provides additional safety by preventing the forward-facing seat position from being used too early. This means there are four different sitting and reclining positions to choose from.

360° rotation

The 360-degree rotatability makes it easy to get your child in and out of the car during everyday rushes. This saves time and energy. The swivel function makes it easy to place the child in the seat and then move it into the correct driving position.


Opposites attract. Our seats take advantage of this clever principle. The magnetic holder allows the belts to be attached to the side when boarding so they are out of the way.


When your child is safely strapped into the child seat, you don’t have to worry about anything else. Let’s take a look at wellbeing now: there’s belt and lock padding as well as an extra baby insert for the head and back to guarantee optimum sitting and reclining comfort.

Entdecke weitere Besonderheiten der Storchenmühle Kindersitze

All unsere Storchenmühle Kindersitze verfügen über einen optimierten Seitenaufprallschutz (SIPS), der sich zur Tür hin ausklappen lässt – für ein Mehr an Sicherheit.

Mit dem Oberstoff unserer Storchenmühle Kinderautositze hat es gleich drei Besonderheiten auf sich. Zum einen besteht er aus recyceltem Polyester und trägt somit dazu bei, dass die Kinder auch morgen noch eine lebenswerte Umwelt vorfinden. Zum anderen überzeugt der Bezug mit besonderen Features: Die antibakterielle Beschichtung SILVADUR™ 930 weist verschiedene geruchsverursachende Mikroorganismen wie Bakterien, Hefen oder Pilze ab. Zudem leitet das Material Feuchtigkeit vom Körper weg und sorgt so für ein angenehmes Sitzgefühl und eine verbesserte Regulierung der Körpertemperatur.

Sicher und einfach werden unsere Kindersitze mit Isofix befestigt. Kein Wackeln, kein Verrutschen. Der Sitz bleibt an seiner Stelle und dein Kind ist stets gut gesichert, darauf ist Verlass. Geprüft und zugelassen sind alle unsere Kindersitze nach der neuen i-Size Kindersitz-Norm.

Ergonomie spielt in der frühen Kindheitsphase eine wichtige Rolle für die positive Entwicklung der motorischen Fähigkeiten. Durch den hohen Anpassungsgrad unserer Niki-Kollektion können die Kindersitze dabei unterstützen. Das Institut für Gesundheit und Ergonomie (IGR) hat unsere Sitze deshalb als ergonomische Produkte geprüft und zugelassen.

Die gesamte Storchenmühle Kollektion wird mit viel Herzblut und Leidenschaft in Deutschland entwickelt und designed. So unterstützen wir deine Familie – und das nachhaltig und zukunftsorientiert.

Colour your seat

Choose the colour that best suits your family


Do you need more information for your decision? Have a look at the data sheet or read through the operating instructions.

Colour your seat

Choose the colour that best suits your family


Do you need more information for your decision? Have a look at the data sheet or read through the operating instructions.